"On Hearing the Chimes of First Lutheran Church, Leechburg, PA"
"I stood alone upon a twilight hill
When busy day's long work was done, and heard,
Clear-toned as is the throat of some sweet bird
Warbling its song unto a listening rill
The silver voices of the bells that fill
The evening valleys with old hymns unheard
Since childhood days, dear music like the Word
Of God that leaves the listener awed and still.
"Ring on, O silver chimes of singing bells,
Singing the cares of all the world away,
Bringing the dear old melody that swells
My eyes to tears, hymning the far-away
To you our love, our grateful hearts belong,
O Chimes, Sweet Gospelers of golden song."
--Dr. John D. M. Brown, Muhlenberg College, 1910