For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our life of faith. Bringing our joys and tears, hopes, and fears, we receive Christ through God's word, water, bread, wine, and prayer. We are strengthened in our life together as Christians. We are sent into the world in hopeful expectation that we will encounter Christ as we live our daily lives and bless the neighbors we encounter.
How we worship
The formal name of our worship service is The Liturgy of Word and Sacrament. Our service is structured in a way that celebrates the work of God in our lives. There are four components to our worship service:
Gathering: we begin our worship by confessing our sins and receiving the forgiveness given to us in baptism. Freed from our sins, we are free to worship Christ knowing that Christ's cross reconciles us to God and one another.
Word: Christ feeds our faith through readings of Scripture, the proclaimed Word (sermon), and music.
Meal: we bring forth our tithes and offerings together with the bread and wine Jesus serves at his table. In Holy Communion, we trust that Christ feeds us with his body and blood. In this Communion, we are united with Christ and Christians of every time and place. We look forward to when we will feast with Christ and all the saints when he comes again.
Sending: having been fed by the Word and the Meal, Christ sends us into the world to serve God in our daily lives.
i'm new to church. can i receive communion?
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church, all persons who are baptized and who hunger and thirst for the presence of Christ in the meal are welcome at the table. You do not need to be a Lutheran or a member of the church.
If you are not baptized, we want to be in conversation with you about the new life that God will give to you in baptism!
First Lutheran is a congregation that is passionate about making music in the praising of the Lord. God gives us music to express our joys and sorrows, fears and aspirations.
Our pipe organ provides a symphony of beautiful sound that stirs our senses and enlivens our souls to worshiping God. The music of our worship spans across musical eras, styles, and traditions. There are traditional hymns, spirituals, jazz choruses, and songs sung by Christians throughout the world.
Our services are frequently complemented by choral music and instrumentals.
EVERYONE! Sinners, seekers, and doubters are all welcome in God's house. Jesus didn't turn people away. Neither do we.
children in worship
At First Lutheran, we celebrate the inclusion of children in worship. The church cannot grow or be healthy without children. Activity bags are available for use. There is a special seating area in the rear of our sanctuary where families can comfortably participate in worship while children play. There are also private spaces available for nursing mothers and diaper changes.
What should i wear?
Some will come to church wearing their Sunday best. Some will come dressed for comfort. What's most important to us is that you come. Jesus welcomes you just as you are!
For your comfort and convenience
There is a street-level entrance to our church with no steps. We have a handicapped-accessible restroom and a seating area for wheelchairs.
In the family worship space in the rear of our sanctuary, there is a beverage station with cold water and a selection of hot coffees and teas.